
General presentations

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Member presentations, projects & applications

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DescriptionSizeDate addedDownload
G3-PLC General Assembly PoC G3-Hybrid in India 2.06 MB30-06-2022 DownloadPreview
Recent Advancements in G3-PLC and Introducing G3-PLC Hybrid by Renesas November 26th 20203.69 MB26-11-2020 DownloadPreview
L+G G3-PLC Africa Smart Solutions November 26th 20201.78 MB26-11-2020 DownloadPreview
Eskom Experiences in the standardization and use of G3-PLC 26 November 2020774.21 KB26-11-2020 DownloadPreview
Smart Meter Pilot Project in Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia: 3 Different Communication Technology Tested2.15 MB15-11-2020 DownloadPreview
2020 ENEDIS Integrating PowerLine Communication with EV2.91 MB10-06-2020 DownloadPreview
Business transformation with Linky November 20191.25 MB12-11-2019 DownloadPreview
AUW 2019 Getting right the communication backbone - Sagemcom3.79 MB03-09-2019 DownloadPreview
AUW 2019 Building grid services over 35 Millions of Smart meters - Enedis1.66 MB03-09-2019 DownloadPreview
G3-PLC Implementation_Landis+Gyr - African Utility Week May 20191.74 MB14-05-2019 DownloadPreview

G3-ALLIANCE Research projects

Assessment of G3 ALLIANCE technology improvements with Klagenfurt University

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From the press

Newspaper publication on the first CENELEC B product certification for M&F SMART TECHNOLOGY


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TitleDescriptionVersionSizeDate addedDownload
LEF_article_english_version English text version78.93 KB30-08-2021 DownloadPreview
LEF Original article3.61 MB30-08-2021 DownloadPreview

G3-ALLIANCE meetings

The complete documents are available for download here for members with access rights.